I have a program I wrote some years back to find "good" binary operators for bytes; byte A
is left multiplied by byte B
to yield byte C
. The operator is defined as 256x256 byte matrix. A
stripped down version of the class implementation is below.
is true IFF all 65536 bytes in the array are the same.
compares the Linearity of the operator into a continuum of more linear (bad for cryto) to less linear (good for crypto).
So it is possible for two instances, A
and B
, that both of the following are true:
A.Equals(B) = false
(A.ComparesTo(B) == 0) = true
My question is less: Is this a good idea? I know the answer is No, but given the large computational cost of measuring linearity and the narrow nature of my problem this design works. Also code similar to:
if (localMinimumOperator < globalMinimumOperator)
localMinimumOperator = globalMinimumOperator;
is easier for me to read.
My question is: What are the consequences of this divergence among: ==, CompareTo()== 0
, and Equals()
? or alternately:
Is there list of which LINQ extensions methods describing which extension use which interface (IEquatable
or IComparable
Something more concise than this MSDN article on Enumerable
For example:
IEnumerable<BinaryOperation> distinct = orgList.Distinct();
calls Equals(BinaryOperator)
as per: Enumerable.Distinct<TSource>
Method as does Contains()
. I understand that Sort()
and OrderBy()
use calls to CompareTo()
But what about FindFirst()
and BinarySearch()
My example class:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace Jww05
public class BinaryOperation : IEquatable<BinaryOperation>, IComparable<BinaryOperation>
#region ClassMembers
public List<List<byte>> TruthTable
// I don't like giving out the underlying list if I help it
var retVal = new List<List<byte>>(OperatorDefintion);
return retVal;
// private data store for TruthTable
private List<List<byte>> OperatorDefintion { get; set; }
public BinaryOperation()
// initial state is the Identity operator
OperatorDefintion = new List<List<byte>>();
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
var curRow = new List<byte>();
for (int j = 0; j < 256; j++)
curRow.Add((byte)(i + j));
private long MeasureOperatorLinearity()
var diagonalOffsets = new byte[] { 255, 0, 1 };
* Code that measures linearity in the original code used the Fast Walsh Hadamard Transform.
* That should go here, but it is removed because the FWHT is clutter for the purposes of this question.
* Since I needed a stub for this, I decided to exacerbate the differnece
* between CompareTo() == 0 and Equals()
* by returning an arbitrary int in lieu of the long CPU intensive Fast Walsh Hadamard Transform.
* If the matrices are identical on an element-by-element basis, then the Faux Linearity will be the the same.
* If the faux linearity (sum of terms on the main diagonal and corners) are the same, the underlying matrices could be different on an element-by-element basis.
long fauxLinearityMeasure = 0;
for (var currRow = 0; currRow < OperatorDefintion.Count(); ++currRow)
fauxLinearityMeasure *= 5;
fauxLinearityMeasure = diagonalOffsets.Select(diagonalOffset => (byte)(currRow + diagonalOffset))
.Aggregate(fauxLinearityMeasure, (current, offestedIndex) => current + (OperatorDefintion[offestedIndex][currRow]));
return (int)fauxLinearityMeasure;
#endregion ClassMembers
#region ComparisonOperations
public int CompareTo(BinaryOperation other)
long otherLinearity = other.MeasureOperatorLinearity();
long thisLinearity = MeasureOperatorLinearity();
long linearityDiff = thisLinearity - otherLinearity;
// case the differnece of the linarity measures into {-1, 0, 1}
return (0 < linearityDiff) ? 1
: (0 > linearityDiff) ? -1
: 0;
public static bool operator >(BinaryOperation lhs, BinaryOperation rhs)
if (ReferenceEquals(null, lhs) ||
ReferenceEquals(null, rhs))
return false;
return (0 < lhs.CompareTo(rhs));
public static bool operator <(BinaryOperation lhs, BinaryOperation rhs)
if (ReferenceEquals(null, lhs) ||
ReferenceEquals(null, rhs))
return false;
return (0 > lhs.CompareTo(rhs));
public static bool operator <=(BinaryOperation lhs, BinaryOperation rhs)
if (ReferenceEquals(null, lhs) ||
ReferenceEquals(null, rhs))
return false;
// equals is cheap
if (lhs.Equals(rhs))
return true;
return (0 > lhs.CompareTo(rhs));
public static bool operator >=(BinaryOperation lhs, BinaryOperation rhs)
if (ReferenceEquals(null, lhs) ||
ReferenceEquals(null, rhs))
return false;
// equals is cheap
if (lhs.Equals(rhs))
return true;
return (0 < lhs.CompareTo(rhs));
#endregion ComparisonOperations
#region EqualityOperators
public bool Equals(BinaryOperation other)
if (ReferenceEquals(null, other))
return false;
var otherTruthTable = other.TruthTable;
var thisTruthTable = TruthTable;
var isEquals = true;
for (int currRow = 0; currRow < thisTruthTable.Count(); ++currRow)
isEquals = isEquals && thisTruthTable[currRow].SequenceEqual(otherTruthTable[currRow]);
return isEquals;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return Equals(obj as BinaryOperation);
public override int GetHashCode()
return OperatorDefintion.SelectMany(currRow => currRow)
.Aggregate(1, (current, currByte) => current * 5 + currByte);
public static bool operator ==(BinaryOperation lhs, BinaryOperation rhs)
if (ReferenceEquals(null, lhs) ||
ReferenceEquals(null, rhs))
return false;
return (0 == lhs.CompareTo(rhs));
public static bool operator !=(BinaryOperation lhs, BinaryOperation rhs)
if (ReferenceEquals(null, lhs) ||
ReferenceEquals(null, rhs))
return false;
return (0 != lhs.CompareTo(rhs));
#endregion EqualityOperators
What are the consequences of this divergence among: ==, CompareTo()== 0, and Equals()?
Someone looking at your code in the future will truly hate you.
or alternately: Is there list of which linq extensions methods describing which extension use which interface (IEquitable or IComparable)?
I think that you've found most of it by yourself. A good rule of thumb is that usually there is nothing surprising in what interface is used by which LINQ function (no surprises is one of features of good design - unlike yours). For example: it's quite obvious that to sort elements it is necessary to know in which particular order should elements go, equality/inequality alone are not sufficient for this. BinarySearch
also needs to know "which way to go" during search - if element is larger than current it re-curses into upper part of sorted array, if smaller it goes into lower. Again: obviously it needs IComparable
. For Distinct
and GetHashCode
suffice - sorting is not needed to determine a set of unique elements. And so on.