I'm trying to implement an interface that has properties but can't quite seem to get it to work and I also have not found any relevant examples via Google (yet). I'm sure I'm doing something completely wrong here but have no idea how to fix it.
(System.Reflection.Assembly/LoadWithPartialName "System.Web")
; naive, just trying to figure out how to implement the IHttpHandler interface in Clojure
(defn foo-handler []
(reify System.Web.IHttpHandler
(IsReusable [] false)
(ProcessRequest [context] ())))
IsReusable is a property and I don't know how to tell reify that it is not a traditional function.
CompilerException clojure.lang.CljCompiler.Ast.ParseException: Must supply at least one argument for 'this' in: IsReusable
Okay, I supply 'this' for IsReusable
CompilerException clojure.lang.CljCompiler.Ast.ParseException: Can't define method not in interfaces: IsReusable
I've also tried proxy but I get similar results.
I've also tried naming IsReusable to get_IsReusable which doesn't actually make a difference and I get the same compiler errors as above.
I've also tried deftype but I get a completely different error:
(deftype foo-handler []
(get_IsReusable [this] false)
(ProcessRequest [this context] ()))
Compiler error:
InvalidCastException Unable to cast object of type 'clojure.lang.Var' to type 'System.Type'. clojure.lang.Namespace.ReferenceClass
The code posted for deftype works, I cannot reproduce the error that I posted above. I have no idea now what I was doing wrong at the time.
This took me a few hours of research and trial and error but I finally have success!
user=> (def foo-handler
(reify System.Web.IHttpHandler
(get_IsReusable [this] false)
(ProcessRequest [this context] ())))
user=> (instance? System.Web.IHttpHandler foo-handler)
This way is better and works fine from an ASP.NET application:
(deftype foo-handler []
(get_IsReusable [this] false)
(ProcessRequest [this context]
(.Write (.Response context) "Hello, From Clojure CLR!")))