I would like to modularize my JSF 2.1 / Java EE application. I have a page that consists of several modules. Each module should use a separate JSF backing bean. Some of these modules need to show and change some data from/on the same entity.
I've already tried some approaches but I am not satisfied so far. I ask myself what the best way to do this would be?
All modules use the same entity and they (probably) need to notify the other backing beans if some data has changed.
Comments to some approaches that I've already tried:
Despite it being "commonly discouraged" (by whom?), I'm using something one of the following techniques in my JSF-2.2 backing beans (depending on whether I need personId
for something else):
public class BeanConverter {
@Inject @Param(name = "personId")
private ParamValue<Person> curPerson;
public class BeanConstruct {
private EntityManager em;
@Inject @Param
private ParamValue<Long> personId;
private Person curPerson;
public void init() {
curPerson = em.find(Person.class, personId.getValue());
This uses the excellent CDI support of Omnifaces.
I then use merge()
to update the entity, but in my case only one bean gets to save changes to the entity, so YMMV. When beans need to communicate updates or entity creations among themselves, I usually go for javax.enterprise.Event
s where the event gets the entity as a constructor argument:
public class BeanSending {
private Event<PersonCreated> personCreatedEvent;
public void constructPerson() {
Person person = makePerson();
personCreatedEvent.fire(new PersonCreated(person));
public class BeanUpdater {
public void updatePerson(@Observes PersonCreated evt) {