So it is possible to use <context:component-scan ...>
or @ComponentScan("org.rythmengine.spring.web")
to allow spring to scan beans under certain package. The question is how can I inject my logic during the scanning process? Say I want to leverage spring's scanning to find all classes implemented a certain interface, or annotated with a certain annotation.
For scanning/detecting components I suggest taking a look at how <context:component-scan />
and LocalSessionFactoryBean
scan for components or entities. Both use the same underlying mechanism for detecting classes.
As for the @CacheFor
annotation I would suggest leveraging Spring AOP just the same as spring uses for @Transactional
and @Cacheable
(to name just 2 appliances).
Ofcourse you can place everything nicely behind a namespace just like <tx:annotation-driven />
or <cache:annotation-driven />
. That is all explained in this section of the reference guide.