I have a slideDown menu and I want to remember the last state of the menu so that on page load the last state is already selected. I am trying to accomplish this by using jQuery.cookie and this is what i did:
$("#menu h3").click(function(){
$("#menu ul ul").slideUp();
var id = $(this).attr('id');
$.cookie(id, $(this).is(':visible') ? "closed" : "open");
if ($.cookie(id) == "open") {
>> jsFiddle <<
When I reload the page I don't get the last state and .slideDown()
doesn't work.
Can anyone help me?
I modified your code a little. Try this:
var active = $.cookie('active'),
$h3 = $("#menu h3"),
$activeH3 = $h3.filter('#' + active);
$h3.click(function(e, speed) {
$("#menu ul ul").slideUp(speed);
if (!$(this).next().is(":visible")) {
$.cookie('active', this.id);
if ($activeH3.next().is(':hidden')) {
$activeH3.trigger('click', [0]);
Make sure you also set ids for your h3