I currently am writing a regex to match strings such as this:
( expr ) | id | num
term * factor | factor
I want the regex to match each occurence of set of characters between each ' | ', but also match solo expressions such as:
I currently have this, but I am doing my negative lookahead wrong and I am not really sure how to proceed.
((.*) \|) (.*)$
P.s. I am not really fond of using .* in this situation, but I cannot think of another way to match, because the characters between ' | 's can be word characters, digits, or anything in between.
I would like the output matches to look like this:
Regex ran on line 1, output:
3 matches - ( expor ), id, num
Regex ran on line 2:
2 matches - term * factor, factor
Regex ran on line 3:
1 match - expr
This could be your simple regex:
-capture one or more characters until you reach "|" (or end of string)
Or alternatively you could use String.split("|");
String line = "term * factor | factor";
String[] split = line.split("\\|");