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Strawberry perl and pp file extension

Could Someone explain what are the .pp files on strawberry perl directory ,

for example i have the following file 64bit- and many other files with this extension .

what this extension means (.pp) are those the builds of strawberry and if yes can i build some .pp file of my own with my extra modules?


  • 64bit- file is part of Perl::Dist::Strawberry which is used to build strawberry perl distribution (it is not part of standard strawberry installation, you have to install it via cpan or cpanm command).

    The *.pp files are in fact a build configuration defining what components are bundled into strawberry perl distribution.

    You can create a modified version of any *.pp file (see examples) and create your own strawberry-like perl distribution. Just install Perl::Dist::Strawberry and use perldist_strawberry command with proper parameters - see perldist_strawberry usage