I'm using Easyphp on my pc to bulid some Ajax simple dynamic operations.
I would to refresh a list on click to "add item" button, so the button have an event on click.
The first javascript page do this in the click event:
$.post("operation/insert.php", { type : "cliente", name : nome, surname : cognome , description : descrizione, day : giornoNascita, month : meseNascita, year : annoNascita }, function(data){
In the Php page, "operation/insert.php", after preliminar checks on the variables I run this code:
$q_add_client = mysql_query($query);
$return = array(
id => mysql_insert_id(),
response => 0
echo json_encode($return);
I'm sure that the query is executed, because I can see the new item in my database. But, at the end, i don't see my alert("HELLO!"), so i think that there's a problem with json_encode function and his parameters. It don't execute my callback function in Javascript module, at row $.post(...).
Can anyone help me please? Thanks
If you're telling $.post to expect 'json' from the server, and whenever you send json to the output, you should set correct content-type first:
$q_add_client = mysql_query($query);
$return = array(
'id' => mysql_insert_id(),
'response' => 0
header("content-type: application/json");
echo json_encode($return);