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How to use automatically generated proxy class?

I'd like to use a web service from a database to gather informations. Right now, I implemented to web service, turned it into a proxy class via wsdl.exe but I'm slightly irritated by the outcome. The normal way to call that class is new object -> method -> parameters ->happiness. This thing only consists of partial classes and wants strange parameters. I'm not even sure if I got the right method to get the wanted information.

This seems to be the needed method:

public UniProtId2DomainIdsRecordType[] UniProtId2DomainIds   (UniProtId2DomainIdsRequestRecordType UniProtId2DomainIdsRequestRecord)
    object[] results = this.Invoke("UniProtId2DomainIds", new object[] {
    return ((UniProtId2DomainIdsRecordType[])(results[0]));

This seems to be one of the needed classes:

public partial class UniProtId2DomainIdsRequestRecordType


private string uniprot_accField;

/// <remarks/>
public string uniprot_acc
        return this.uniprot_accField;
        this.uniprot_accField = value;


(That's the whole class, generated by wsdl.exe ->

But as soon as I try to use it as I think it should work... well... my experiments on this (none of them working):

            UniProtId2DomainIdsRequestRecordType Uni2Cath = new UniProtId2DomainIdsRequestRecordType();
        Uni2Cath.uniprot_acc = "P0A7N9";
        UniProtId2DomainIdsRecordType[] UniProtId2DomainIds;
        UniProtId2DomainIdsRecordType test = new UniProtId2DomainIdsRecordType();
        test.uniprot_acc = "P0A7N9";
        UniProtId2DomainIdsRecordType[] UniProtId2DomainIds(test);

All I need is to get a string like P0A7N9 to be passed to the server.

(The reference to this webservice: )

Can someone give me a hint how to handle this, please?


  • The easiest way would be to add this web service as Service Reference to your project. Then you can call the different methods. Use this as the address:

    using (var ser = new DataServicesPortTypeClient())
        var results = ser.UniProtId2DomainIds(new UniProtId2DomainIdsRequestRecordType
            uniprot_acc = "P0A7N9"
        if (results != null)
            var geneName = results.gene_name;
            var speciesName = results.species_name;

    If you want to use your generated class do this:

    using (var service = new DataServices())
        var results = service.UniProtId2DomainIds(new UniProtId2DomainIdsRequestRecordType
            uniprot_acc = "P0A7N9"
        if (results != null && results.Length >0)
            var geneName = results[0].gene_name;
            var speciesName = results[0].species_name;

    As John suggested in the comments, ASMX and wsdl.exe are deprecated technologies. You should be using Service References and svcutil.exe