If a string has no digits in it, I would like to replace it with "Invalid" using Java (shorthand); this is to be an expression in the tMap component in Talend Open Studio
Here are some examples of desired outcomes:
Here are valid entries that should stay the same and remain unchanged, they are valid:
"(123) 456-7890"
Here are some values that are to replaced with "Invalid":
"(xxx) xxx-xxxx"
"() -() -()"
"- -"
Here's what I've tried so far:
myTable.myField.replaceAll("[0-9]","").isEmpty() ? "Invalid" : myTable.myField
But it's not working out, at least not in Talend
Just replace any string that's all digits, like this:
myString.replaceAll("^[0-9]+$", "invalid");
According to comments, OP wants to replace any strings that don't have digits in them. here's the answer for that:
myString.replaceAll("^[^0-9]+$", "invalid");
Also, this will replace strings that do have some digits:
myString.replaceAll("^.*[0-9].*$", "invalid");