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File Upload and knowing the directory structure

We are using jquery fileupload to drag and drop files (and folders) from a local computer to a browser. This works great but we can't capture the directory structure of the files within the folder. I understand why (from a security perspective and javascript) this doesn't work, but does anyone have any thoughts on best ways to achieve the same thing.

Again, I want my customer (internal app) to drag and drop a folder into my application. My application can see the list of filenames and they get uploaded, but I would like to maintain the directory structure of those files for use elsewhere. i.e., it's important for me to know that it came from directory x/1/a rather than y/2/b.

Thanks in advance!


  • See jquery file upload's support for this related to @Dead133s mention of webkitdirectory

    "It is possible to select a complete folder structure, though this is currently only supported by Google Chrome.To enable this feature, the following vendor-specific directory attributes have to be added to the file input field:"

    <input type="file" name="files[]" multiple directory webkitdirectory mozdirectory>

    Another low-tech solution would be to have users zip up the files and upload those, preserving any folder.