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canvg is undefined error

I am trying to use the code from Battlehorse to convert A Google Visualization chart to an image to save to a server. I was able to get this to work on localhost but when I attempt to use it on the Web Server I get the error "canvg is undefined". The Web Server is running IIS 7. I have searched quite a bit and have not been able to find any information regarding this error. Does anyone know what causes this error or how to resolve it?

enter image description here

Code Sample:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function getImgData(chartContainer) {
  var chartArea = chartContainer.getElementsByTagName('svg')[0].parentNode;
  var svg = chartArea.innerHTML;
  var doc = chartContainer.ownerDocument;
  var canvas = doc.createElement('canvas');
  canvas.setAttribute('width', chartArea.offsetWidth);
  canvas.setAttribute('height', chartArea.offsetHeight);

  'position: absolute; ' +
  'top: ' + (-chartArea.offsetHeight * 2) + 'px;' +
  'left: ' + (-chartArea.offsetWidth * 2) + 'px;');
  canvg(canvas, svg);
  var imgData = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
  return imgData;}           

function alert10() {
  try {
    var textbox1 = document.getElementById('textbox1');
    textbox1.value = getImgData(document.getElementById('chart1_div'));           
  catch (err) {


  • I figured it out. The problem was that the site was running with SSL enabled and I was calling external script files by http protocols. I had to adjust the external script file references to either use https OR change them to relative like this:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> 
    <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>

    Using the protocol relative path like "//..." makes sure it will work in both HTTP and HTTPS