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JSON with Chinese characters processing to XML in java for RDB

Im doing a RESTful webservice call on the Chinese weibo platform and get a JSON file in return that looks like this:

"id": 2098220080,
"idstr": "2098220080",
"class": 1,
"screen_name": "王理巍", .....}]

So its an array with 100 inner objects. My aim is to import these data into a relational database (SAP HANA). As I can only import files in XML or csv format, I think the best approach is to parse the JSON into XML with some small java app. Ive already tried different JSON parsing libraries but there seems to be a problem with the array. So I chose the Apache lib and call the webservice via InputStream.

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

String date, userName = null, text, gender, city, location, province;
int userId = 0, statusId;
URL url = null;

    try {
    url = new URL("");
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
    // TODO Auto-generated catch block

//Call URL as InputStream
try (InputStream is = url.openStream();
    JsonReader rdr = Json.createReader(is)) {

    JsonArray results = rdr.readArray();


    JsonObject[] objects = new JsonObject[100];
    JsonObject o1 = results.getJsonObject(0);

    //Read each element
    try {
    userId = o1.getInt("id");
    userName = o1.getString("name");
    province = o1.getString("province");
    city = o1.getString("city");
    location = o1.getString("location");
    gender = o1.getString("gender");
    date = o1.getString("created_at");
    statusId = o1.getInt("id");
    text = o1.getString("text");
    } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
        System.out.println("No value");

    //Build XML
    String xmlString = XML.toString(userId,"id");
    xmlString = XML.toString(userName, "name");

In this snippet I only read one object for testing purposes without any automation. Basically Im dealing with 2 issues here now.

First: The elements containing Chinese simplified characters are displayed as ??? Second: How can I append several elements to the XML-String?

I really appreciate your hints concerning my questions and also some general ideas for a probable better solution.


  • Alright problems solved.

    In case ur interested: To access the nested "status" element in one object, just use

    JsonObject status = o1.getJsonObject("status");

    For appending several objects I used the StringBuilder method.