I need to create a "morse code decoder" for Android, very similar to this app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.jfedor.morsecode
My app must listen a sounds (morse code) from the microphone. And translate the code in original text.
To be honest, this feature is part of a larger project. My intent is create a system:
Creating the java application isn't problem, but it is for the android app... to listen the sound is ok, but TO UNDERSTAND IT is the issue.
Just break the problem down into the parts. There's:
1) recording from the microphone [ok, no problem]
2) detecting the start times of the tones
3) building up this into a sequence of dots and dashes.
4) translating this into text
I would start from step 2)... thought to act like this: I set the app to listen to the sound at a certain frequency and speed. Must recognize morse code... translate it and print the original text for the user... but how? I do not know where to start. Any ideas?
Just break the problem down into the parts. There's :
1) recording from the microphone
2) detecting the start times of the tones
3) building up this into a sequence of dots and dashes.
4) translating this into text
None of those seems particularly difficult on its own. 2) and 3) are probably hardest, especially if the speed of the signal varies a lot or if you need to handle errors. So perhaps you could start there with some pre-recorded audio files.