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Sencha architect popup window

I have a grid and I try to open the view with id "popup" of type "Ext.form.panel" to edit a single entry from the grid.

I ended up with the following:

onGridpanelSelect: function(rowmodel,record,index,e0pts) {
    if(Ext.getCmp('popup')) var sample = Ext.getCmp('popup');
    else var sample = Ext.create('MyApp.view.popup');
    // Ext.Viewport.add(sample);

But Firefox tells me that neither Ext.Viewport.add nor Ext.Viewport.setActiveItem are functions. What exactly does he try to really tell me?

(TypeError: Ext.Viewport.add is not a function or TypeError: Ext.Viewport.setActiveItem is not a function, depending on whether the comment is there)


  • In Sencha Touch, Ext.Viewport is a singleton, but not in ExtJS. And add is not a static method, so you can only call it from a Viewport instance.

    If you have already created a viewport, you can grab a reference to it with a component query:

    var viewport = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('viewport')[0];
    // Now, we've got an instance!
    viewport.add( ... );

    Now, given the name of your component (popup), I wouldn't bother trying to add it to the viewport, but rather I would display it in a modal window... You know, like a popup ;)

    var sample = Ext.getCmp('popup') || new MyApp.view.popup;
    var win = Ext.widget('window', {
        title: "Sample"
        ,autoShow: true
        ,modal: true
        ,layout: 'fit'
        ,items: [sample]
        ,width: 300
        ,height: 300
        ,buttons: [{
            text: "Ok"
            ,handler: function() {
                // maybe you'll want to process your form here
                // remove your component before closing the window
                // to avoid having it auto destroyed
                win.remove(sample, false);