I'm developing an SDI MFC application where there are some custom buttons which are drawn in a custom way or have images loaded on top of them. When the running application is re-sized continuously for about 5 to 10 minutes, it crashes with the error "A required resource was not found."
I have checked the code thoroughly and all the GetDC()
calls are followed by ReleaseDC()
calls. Furthermore, I always save the old GDI object (for example, an oldBrush), whenever I do a DC.SelectObject(&newBrush)
call and then restore the old pen with DC.SelectObject(&oldBrush)
Any hints for what else might be causing this error?
Edit: I used the program Deleaker to find the GDI leaks in the program and deleted those GDI objects which were causing the leak.
Edit: Here's the call stack for AfxThrowResourceException:
mfc110ud.dll!AfxThrowResourceException() Line 1353 C++
mfc110ud.dll!CWindowDC::CWindowDC(CWnd * pWnd) Line 1022 C++
mfc110ud.dll!CMFCToolBarImages::PrepareDrawImage(tagAFXDrawState & ds, CSize sizeImageDest, int bFadeInactive) Line 1219 C++
mfc110ud.dll!CMFCToolBarImages::DrawEx(CDC * pDC, CRect rect, int iImageIndex, CMFCToolBarImages::ImageAlignHorz horzAlign, CMFCToolBarImages::ImageAlignVert vertAlign, CRect rectSrc, unsigned char alphaSrc) Line 1729 C++
mfc110ud.dll!CMFCControlRenderer::FillInterior(CDC * pDC, CRect rect, CMFCToolBarImages::ImageAlignHorz horz, CMFCToolBarImages::ImageAlignVert vert, unsigned int index, unsigned char alphaSrc) Line 470 C++
mfc110ud.dll!CMFCControlRenderer::FillInterior(CDC * pDC, CRect rect, unsigned int index, unsigned char alphaSrc) Line 474 C++
mfc110ud.dll!CMFCControlRenderer::Draw(CDC * pDC, CRect rect, unsigned int index, unsigned char alphaSrc) Line 253 C++
mfc110ud.dll!CMFCVisualManagerOffice2007::DrawNcCaption(CDC * pDC, CRect rectCaption, unsigned long dwStyle, unsigned long dwStyleEx, const ATL::CStringT<wchar_t,StrTraitMFC_DLL<wchar_t,ATL::ChTraitsCRT<wchar_t> > > & strTitle, const ATL::CStringT<wchar_t,StrTraitMFC_DLL<wchar_t,ATL::ChTraitsCRT<wchar_t> > > & strDocument, HICON__ * hIcon, int bPrefix, int bActive, int bTextCenter, const CObList & lstSysButtons) Line 2097 C++
mfc110ud.dll!CMFCVisualManagerOffice2007::OnNcPaint(CWnd * pWnd, const CObList & lstSysButtons, CRect rectRedraw) Line 2343 C++
mfc110ud.dll!CFrameImpl::OnNcPaint() Line 1564 C++
mfc110ud.dll!CFrameWndEx::OnNcPaint() Line 1030 C++
mfc110ud.dll!CWnd::OnWndMsg(unsigned int message, unsigned int wParam, long lParam, long * pResult) Line 2459 C++
mfc110ud.dll!CWnd::WindowProc(unsigned int message, unsigned int wParam, long lParam) Line 2137 C++
mfc110ud.dll!AfxCallWndProc(CWnd * pWnd, HWND__ * hWnd, unsigned int nMsg, unsigned int wParam, long lParam) Line 290 C++
mfc110ud.dll!AfxWndProc(HWND__ * hWnd, unsigned int nMsg, unsigned int wParam, long lParam) Line 453 C++
mfc110ud.dll!AfxWndProcBase(HWND__ * hWnd, unsigned int nMsg, unsigned int wParam, long lParam) Line 304 C++
I am sure you have a GDI or other Windows resource leak. The message text Comes from an internal exception in the MFC.
What you see is the result of a call to AfxThrowResourceException. Set a break Point on this function in the Debugger and you can see what Operation Fails.
As a result of this acion you know if you have a Memory or GDI leak, or may be other handle leak...