Hey there i just read the documenation from a nice jquery-plugin, i also read some demonstrations and i just wondered if i can change this:
can this be changed to a list? I mean, Instead of:
<li></li> // ..
Is this possible? greetings
<ul id="ul1">
<li data-browser="firefox">Firefox</li>
<li data-browser="ie">IE</li>
<li data-browser="opera">Opera</li>
$("#ul1").on('mouseenter', 'li[data-browser]', function (event) {
var browser = $(this).data('browser');
overwrite: false,
content: '<img src="http://media1.juggledesign.com/qtip2/images/browsers/64-' + browser + '.png" alt="' + browser + '"/>',
position: {
my: 'right center',
at: 'left center',
target: $(this),
viewport: $('#ul1')
show: {
event: event.type,
ready: true
hide: {
fixed: true
}, event); // Note we passed the event as the second argument. Always do this when binding within an event handler!