I'm trying to build a smart package for Meteor app that provides some monitoring capabilities and other tools based on the features of the smart package. For more details read this question.
In any case, I'm trying to figure out the best way to create an admin interface for this package, which will of course be itself running in Meteor. Ideally, I'd like something similar to observatory, except on a separate part of the site that the package can control (or even on a different port.)
The way the observatory folks have tackled this problem is pretty ingenious - they just have a popup div on the main app page that provides the necessary information. That's fine, but not the optimal way for revealing the interface on an app, in my opinion. The problem with using routes is that the popular Meteor router that everyone uses doesn't support more than one "stack" of pages, and better Meteor routers that have been developed (such as by Chris Mather in Devshop 5) haven't been released yet.
Can anyone suggest a good approach to tackle this problem? Ideally my package would just be able to render its own admin templates on a separate part of the site such as /admin
As James Hatfield pointed out, Iron-Router now supports multiple layouts. For those hitting this thread now, this is the best way to handle the multiple layout scenario.
Router.map ->
@route 'home',
layoutTemplate: 'homeLayout'
path: '/'
@route 'dashboard',
layoutTemplate: 'dashboardLayout'