Divide A into B , assume A < B. The answer will be A goes into B q times with a remainder of R
Example: 7 goes into 20 2 times remainder 6
Hint: Subtract A from B until A>the difference. Count how many times you subtracted and the difference should be the remainder.
Ex 20-7 = 13 13 – 7 = 6 6 <7 so the count is 2 and the remainder is 6
This is my code. It's not complete. I don't know how to do this problem. Any help would be grateful.
prompt1 byte 'Enter number A:',0
prompt2 byte 'Enter number B:',0
a dword ?
b dword ?
remainder dword ?
main proc
call clrscr
mov eax,0
mov ebx,0
mov edx,offset prompt1
call writestring
call readint
mov a,eax
mov edx,offset prompt2
call writestring
call readint
mov b,ebx
mov eax,a
mov ebx,b
sub ebx,a ;set edx to 0
div ebx
mov remainder,ebx
;xor eax,eax
call writedec
call crlf
main ENDP
END main
A loop is implemented like this:
loop down:
mov ecx, 10 ; count from 10 to 0
dec ecx
loop label
loop up:
xor ecx,ecx ; count from 0 to 10
inc ecx
cmp ecx, 10
jne label
Now think how your algorithm works and how to apply this information.