Problem i encounter with outerHTML using IE Browser
if i say:
txt="Update Complete!";
msg = sub.appendChild(d.createElement("p"));
msg.outerHTML = txt;
It Works Fine:
But if i say
txt="1 Error:<ul><li>Some Error</li></ul>";
msg = sub.appendChild(d.createElement("p"));
msg.outerHTML = txt;
Gives me an error of:
Message: Unknown runtime error
Line: 389
Char: 4
Code: 0
Line:389 pertains to "msg.outerHTML = txt;"
Can anyone help me with this one.. Thanks in advance
For some reasons I don't know, in most cases modifying outerHTML is not allowed. I am guessing that, this is because when you are modifying the outerHTML of an element you are actually replacing the current element.
IMO, it safer to replace a element than modifying its outerHTML.
In your case, maybe this will suffice:
some content...
<div id="sub"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function(){
var sub = document.getElementById('sub');
var txt="<p>Update Complete!</p>";
sub.innerHTML = txt;
alert('test 1');
txt="1 Error:<ul><li>Some Error</li></ul>";
sub.innerHTML = txt;