I dont know why this os causing me such a headache, but it is..I would like a form to create a member who will have an associated member_type attached to it
My Setup so far
class Member < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :membership
accepts_nested_attributes_for :membership
attr_accessible :membership_id, :forename, :middlename, :surname, :house_no, :house_name, :street, :town, :postcode, :home_tel, :mobile_tel, :work_tel, :email
class Membership < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :member
attr_accessible :membership_type
Member model has membership_id as the foreign key.
Then my admin/member.rb form, which is where the problems begin.I cant seem to create the member record with the relevant membership_id.
form do |f|
f.inputs "Member Registration" do
f.input :forename
f.input :middlename
f.input :surname
f.input :house_no
f.input :house_name
f.input :street
f.input :town
f.input :postcode
f.input :home_tel
f.input :mobile_tel
f.input :work_tel
f.input :email
f.inputs :for => [:membership, f.object.membership || Membership.new] do |m|
m.input :membership_type, :label => 'Membership Type', :as => :select, :collection => Membership.all.map{|m| [m.membership_type, m.id]}
all that happens at the moment is the membership model adds another record dependent upon which option has been selected, so Peack Membership is duplicated if selected..
But looking at it now that makes sense as im asking it to create a new Membership record..So how do i get it to create a member record with a membership id
So lost right now
Your association is not proper here, As per my understanding I thing you either need to create a new member or need to update a existing member by selecting a MemberShip type.
So, In this case you need to have membership_id in members table.
class Member < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :membership
attr_accessible membership_id, :forename, :middlename, :surname, :house_no, :house_name, :street, :town, :postcode, :home_tel, :mobile_tel, :work_tel, :email
class Membership < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :members
attr_accessible :membership_type
form do |f|
f.inputs "Member Registration" do
f.input :forename
f.input :middlename
f.input :surname
f.input :house_no
f.input :house_name
f.input :street
f.input :town
f.input :postcode
f.input :home_tel
f.input :mobile_tel
f.input :work_tel
f.input :email
f.input :membership_id, :label => 'Membership Type', :as => :select, :collection => Membership.all.map{|m| [m.membership_type, m.id]}