I have made my own framework of traits and classes that extend my traits. The parent of all classes is a trait named 'Contract'. 'Combinator' and 'ElementaryContract' are two immediate children of Contract.
def disintegrateContract[T](element: T): Elem =
element match
case com <: Combinator => matchCombinator(com)
case e <:ElementaryContract =>matchElementaryContract(e)
I want to make a match class that recognizes whether a passed 'Contract' is a subtype of 'Combinator' or 'ElementaryContract' and then pass it to some other functions. This is the compilation error I get:
'=>' expected but '<:' found
Probably it does not recognize the subtype operator. How can I make this happen?
If understood you correctly the usual pattern matching should be fine -- if Bar extends Foo, it is Foo (plus something else):
class SuperA
class ImplA extends SuperA
class SuperB
class ImplB extends SuperB
def disintegrateContract[T](element: T) = element match {
case a: SuperA => println("I extend SuperA")
case b: SuperB => println("I extend SuperB")
disintegrateContract(new ImplA)
// I extend SuperA
disintegrateContract(new ImplB)
// I extend SuperB
To have exact your situation there should be Super which SuperA and SuperB will extend, but it changes nothing.