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Serve static files (JavaScript) with Struts 2

I want to put some JavaScript files in one of my packages and make Struts serve them like /struts/js/foo.js

Struts does that for files in 'template' package (that's where jQuery plugin's files are located, guarded by struts.ui.templateDir option). However I want to put those files into another package; If I redefine struts.ui.templateDir then struts ceases working because it can't find its templates.

So the question is: How to tell Struts to serve files in as /struts/js/whatever.js?


  • Struts2 can serve static content out of the box. By default static content is being served by DefaultStaticContentLoader an implementation of StaticContentLoader. It automatically searches the following packages:

    • org.apache.struts2.static
    • template
    • static
    • org.apache.struts2.interceptor.debugging

    You can add additional packages to be searched in filter init parameter named "packages".


    You can add more than one package, use comma or space or tab or new line as separator.

    BTW you can control whether static content is being cached by a browser or not with this constant:
