I need to read excel file which more than 300 rows. I need to extract value from particular cell only.
Workbook workbook = Workbook.getWorkbook(new File(excelFile));
Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheet(0);
Cell emp_name = sheet.getCell(1,2);
Cell emp_dpt = sheet.getCell(2,2);
Cell emp_pdpt = sheet.getCell(3,2);
Cell emp_no = sheet.getCell(4,2);
Cell emp_desn = sheet.getCell(5,2);
Cell emp_dj = sheet.getCell(6,2);
Cell emp_lvl = sheet.getCell(7,2);
Cell emp_eval = sheet.getCell(8,2);
String name = emp_name.getContents();
String dpartment = emp_dpt.getContents();
String pre_department = emp_pdpt.getContents();
String employee_no = emp_no.getContents();
String designation = emp_desn.getContents();
String datejoined = emp_dj.getContents();
String evalution = emp_eval.getContents();
Above code helps me to fetch data from the excel but only one value extracted. How do I fetch all the data from excel.
Do it in a loop
When you say , sheet.getCell(1,2), you read the cell with column 1 and row 2.
Support if you want to read , column 1 and row 3, then do this sheet.getCell(1,3);
sheet.getRows() ->Returns the number of rows in this sheet
pseudo code:
for (int rowNum = 5; rowNum < sheet.getRows(); rowNum++) {
int column = 4;
sheet.getCell(column ++, rowNum).getContents(); //read 4th column and 5th row into a variable or object as per your logic;
sheet.getCell(column ++, rowNum).getContents(); //read 5th column and 5th row;