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Unscramble Letters in Java - Get all possible combinations of the letters

Solved: What I was asking was Solved but feel free to answer with alternate methods. here's the letter unscrambler made with the answer. Project Page

I am currently an AP Computer Science student. I have been working on a letter unscrambler that reads in a dictionary and prints a list of words possible with the letter set inputted. To this end I make a map with Map<String,Set<String>> in which "earth" would be entered under the key "aerht" and in the corresponding set.

Example How Would I generate all of these:
A          C           E           K
AC        CE           EK               
ACE       CEK            

AE       CK

The problem I am running into is that that some key values aren't being checked as currently I take in a set of numbers and alphabetize the characters eg earth->aehrt yet this skips combos such as aht->hat or eht -> the.

So basically my Question would be how to simplify the process of obtaining all alphabetical combos contained in such a key. eg earth-> aehrt,a,ae,aeh,aehr,ah,ahr,ahrt,aer,aert and so on so that I can crossreference all these keys with those in the dictionary I read in. letters[] contains a,e,h,r,t in order. Also, test is an ArrayList of Set. Key is "aehrt".

for(int z = 0; z<key.length();z++) {
    Set<String> temp = new HashSet<String>();

    //s1 = t*s0 ∪ {t} ∪ s0 = {t}
    for(String str: test.get(z)) //t*s0

    test.get(z).add(letters[z]); //{t}  


  • Starting with alphabetized key, 'aehrt', you can find all possible combinations of letters using the following method:

    1. start with:       S0 = {}
    2. next, take a:   S1 = a⋅S0 ∪ S0 ∪ {a} = {a}
    3. next, take e:   S2 = e⋅S1 ∪ S1 ∪ {e} = {ae, a, e}
    4. next, take h:   S3 = h⋅S2 ∪ S2 ∪ {h} = {aeh, ah, eh, ae, a, e, h}
    5. etc...

    once you have S5 (the entire set of combinations) check them all against your map.

    public static void main(String... args){     
        Set<String> set = new TreeSet<String>();
        String key = "aehrt";
        //S1 = c*S0 ∪ {c} ∪ S0
        for(int z = 0; z < key.length();z++) {
            Set<String> temp = new HashSet<String>();
            char c = key.charAt(z);        
            for(String str: set)
                temp.add(str + c); // ∪ c*S0
            set.add(c+"");         // ∪ {c}
            set.addAll(temp);      // ∪ S0
    output: [a, ae, aeh, aehr, aehrt, aeht, aer, aert, aet, ah, ahr, ahrt, aht, ar, art,
             at, e, eh, ehr, ehrt, eht, er, ert, et, h, hr, hrt, ht, r, rt, t]