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Strangest Error I Have Ever Seen, a.k.a. ) *

I'm writing this awesome application, at least I think it awesome, in C with the magnificent blend of GObject and after a while I start getting this very, extremely strange error. I also believe to have noticed it not appearing always. However this might just be the IDE's fault. Anyhow...

GCC, apparently, complains: expected ')' before '*' token; this happens in a header file.

This is that very same header file.

#pragma once
#include "global.h"

#include "CharcoalApp.h"

GtkListStore *WebsitesListStore;

// that error is reported for this line
void charcoal_websites_list_initialize(CharcoalApp *app); 

As far as I can see, this comes from the CharcoalApp *app parameter for that function.

Because I cannot really understand why this error is happening, I'll include the CharcoalApp.h file. global.h is a very simple header file that carries the main dependencies, mainly GLib, GObject, GThread, GTK+, WebKit and other.


#ifndef __CHARCOAL_APP_H__
#define __CHARCOAL_APP_H__

#include "global.h"
#include "CharcoalDB.h"

#include "CharcoalWindow.h"
#include "CharcoalWebsitesList.h"


#define CHARCOAL_TYPE_APP             (charcoal_app_get_type())
#define CHARCOAL_APP(obj)             (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST((obj), CHARCOAL_TYPE_APP, CharcoalApp))
#define CHARCOAL_APP_CONST(obj)       (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST((obj), CHARCOAL_TYPE_APP, CharcoalApp const))
#define CHARCOAL_APP_CLASS(klass)     (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST((klass), CHARCOAL_TYPE_APP, CharcoalAppClass))

typedef struct _CharcoalApp         CharcoalApp;
typedef struct _CharcoalAppClass    CharcoalAppClass;
typedef struct _CharcoalAppPrivate  CharcoalAppPrivate;

struct _CharcoalApp {
  GObject parent;

  CharcoalAppPrivate *priv;

  GtkBuilder *ui;
  CharcoalDB *db;

  // toplevels
  GtkWidget *CharcoalWindow;

struct _CharcoalAppClass {
  GObjectClass parent_class;

GType charcoal_app_get_type(void) G_GNUC_CONST;
CharcoalApp *charcoal_app_new(void);
void charcoal_app_quit(CharcoalApp *app);


#endif /* __CHARCOAL_APP_H__ */

Thank you for your help!


  • CharcoalApp is not declared in global.h. Suppose you are including CharcoalApp.h in your C file:

    1. CharcoalApp.h is read up to #include "global.h"
    2. global.h is included
    3. Error: expected ')' before '*' token

    You should rearrange your header files properly or use a forward declaration (although I don't think is needed in this case).

    There are many solutions:

    1. the proper way: include CharcoalApp.h from global.h, not the reverse;
    2. move typedef struct _CharcoalApp CharcoalApp; before `#include "global.h" in CharcoalApp.h;
    3. remove #include "global.h" from CharcoalApp.h and include them in the proper order (global.h last).