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C# IStream implemenation of IStream

First of all this is no duplicate of this Does a wrapper class for a COM interop IStream already exist? because I need the implemenation in the other direction. I need to create an IStream implemenation from IO.Stream to IStream. But before I start to try to do that, wanted to ask if anyone knows an already existing implemenation or any articles about that. I could not find anything in the .net framework and google just gave me results of implemenations from IStream to IO.Stream. So does anyone has a nice tip for me? I really don't know how to start because the first member(Clone -> Creates a new stream object that references the same bytes as the original stream but provides a separate seek pointer to those bytes) makes me troubles. I've got no idea how to do that based on a IO.Stream.


  • Finally, I've done it by myself (feel free to copy and modify it):

    public interface IStream
        HResult Read([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex = 1)] [Out] byte[] pv, int cb, IntPtr pcbRead);
        HResult Write([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex = 1)] byte[] pv, int cb, IntPtr pcbWritten);
        HResult Seek(long dlibMove, int dwOrigin, IntPtr plibNewPosition);
        HResult SetSize(long libNewSize);
        HResult CopyTo(IStream pstm, long cb, IntPtr pcbRead, IntPtr pcbWritten);
        HResult Commit(int grfCommitFlags);
        HResult Revert();
        HResult LockRegion(long libOffset, long cb, int dwLockType);
        HResult UnlockRegion(long libOffset, long cb, int dwLockType);
        HResult Stat(out comtypes.STATSTG pstatstg, int grfStatFlag);
        HResult Clone(out IStream ppstm);
        /// <summary>
        /// see
        /// </summary>
        public class ComStream : Stream, IStream
            private Stream _stream;
            public ComStream(Stream stream)
                : this(stream, true)
            internal ComStream(Stream stream, bool sync)
                if (stream == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("stream");
                if (sync)
                    stream = Stream.Synchronized(stream);
                _stream = stream;
            HResult IStream.Clone(out IStream ppstm)
                //ComStream newstream = new ComStream(_stream, false);
                //ppstm = newstream;
                ppstm = null;
                return HResult.E_NOTIMPL;
            HResult IStream.Commit(int grfCommitFlags)
                return HResult.E_NOTIMPL;
            HResult IStream.CopyTo(IStream pstm, long cb, IntPtr pcbRead, IntPtr pcbWritten)
                return HResult.E_NOTIMPL;
            HResult IStream.LockRegion(long libOffset, long cb, int dwLockType)
                return HResult.E_NOTIMPL;
            HResult IStream.Read(byte[] pv, int cb, IntPtr pcbRead)
                if (!CanRead)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Stream not readable");
                int read = Read(pv, 0, cb);
                if (pcbRead != IntPtr.Zero)
                    Marshal.WriteInt64(pcbRead, read);
                return HResult.S_OK;
            HResult IStream.Revert()
                return HResult.E_NOTIMPL;
            HResult IStream.Seek(long dlibMove, int dwOrigin, IntPtr plibNewPosition)
                SeekOrigin origin = (SeekOrigin)dwOrigin; //hope that the SeekOrigin enumeration won't change
                long pos = Seek(dlibMove, origin);
                if (plibNewPosition != IntPtr.Zero)
                    Marshal.WriteInt64(plibNewPosition, pos);
                return HResult.S_OK;
            HResult IStream.SetSize(long libNewSize)
                return HResult.E_NOTIMPL;
            HResult IStream.Stat(out comtypes.STATSTG pstatstg, int grfStatFlag)
                pstatstg = new comtypes.STATSTG();
                pstatstg.cbSize = Length;
                return HResult.S_OK;
            HResult IStream.UnlockRegion(long libOffset, long cb, int dwLockType)
                return HResult.E_NOTIMPL;
            HResult IStream.Write(byte[] pv, int cb, IntPtr pcbWritten)
                if (!CanWrite)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Stream is not writeable.");
                Write(pv, 0, cb);
                if (pcbWritten != null)
                    Marshal.WriteInt32(pcbWritten, cb);
                return HResult.S_OK;
            public override bool CanRead
                get { return _stream.CanRead; }
            public override bool CanSeek
                get { return _stream.CanSeek; }
            public override bool CanWrite
                get { return _stream.CanWrite; }
            public override void Flush()
            public override long Length
                get { return _stream.Length; }
            public override long Position
                    return _stream.Position;
                    _stream.Position = value;
            public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
                return _stream.Read(buffer, offset, count);
            public override long Seek(long offset, SeekOrigin origin)
                return _stream.Seek(offset, origin);
            public override void SetLength(long value)
            public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
                _stream.Write(buffer, offset, count);
            protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
                if (_stream != null)
                    _stream = null;