I am attempting to fix and issue with my code. I was originally using DOMNodeRemoved and DOMNodeInserted for keeping an eye on an element within a page I am working on. They worked well but did not function in IE. So I started trying to work with a MutationObserver.
Here is my Code it's called on onPageInit(the callback writes to the console but I disabled it since IE no longer supports console):
var callback = function(allmutations){
allmutations.map( function(mr){
var mt = 'Mutation type: ' + mr.type; // log the type of mutation
mt += 'Mutation target: ' + mr.target; // log the node affected.
//console.log( mt );
mo = new MutationObserver(callback),
options = {
// required, and observes additions or deletion of child nodes.
'childList': true,
// observes the addition or deletion of "grandchild" nodes.
'subtree': true
alert('its alive');
mo.observe(document.body, options);
It works fine in chrome, however for some reason falls flat in IE. I get a message box during load of the page that says :
An unexpected error occurred in a script running on this page.
TypeError 'MutationObserver' is undefined
Am I doing something wrong? Additional info: Page is a netsuite page, running jQuery 1.7.2 (if it matters)
That method was added in IE11, therefore it won't be available if the browser is running in compatibility mode for anything other than IE11.