My system is:
Mac os X 10.9 Mavericks
Oracle JDK 7u45 (the latest)
Glassfish 3 and Glassfish 4 is the same
I go to the download page of glass fish and download the zip.
i do init the glassfish domain using: asadmin start-domain domain1
Go to localhost:4848
and the console still loading...
i review the glassfish log in this point, and the last message is:|_ThreadID=83;_ThreadName=Thread-2;|The Admin Console application is loaded.|#]
the message appears to be fine.
When i refresh the page (because doesn't refresh itself), it redirects me to http://localhost:4848/common/index.jsf
with status 404.
if i review again the glass fish log, the message is:
org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet|_ThreadID=84;ThreadName=Thread-2;|PWC6117: File "/Users/juvinao/glassfish4/glassfish/lib/install/applications/_admingui/common/index.jsp" not found|#]
this just happen in my mac, after the mavericks upgrade.
in others computers and OSs, everything go fine.
i was googling for info about this issue, but even here in stack overflow i had found the answer.
the only way that i resolved the issue, is that when the console redirect me to
i put the url
but always i have to do this. next i have access to login page and admin console.