The normal behavior for the jQuery qTip plugin is to create a new hidden div for every tooltip item assigned. Is there a way to tie a single hidden tooltip element to multiple targets, to avoid cluttering the DOM?
Contrived Example:
<div id="foo1"></div>
<div id="foo2"></div>
<script> $("#foo1,#foo2").qTip({"content":"test"}); </script>
<!-- Creates two elements, rather than one: -->
<div class="qtip" style="display:none;">test</div>
<div class="qtip" style="display:none;">test</div>
If qTip is unable to do this, can anyone recommend another jQuery-based tooltip plugin which supports rich HTML using only a single tooltip container? Thanks!
You can construct qTip boxes dynamically.
<a id="some-link" href="#">Show a qTip</a>
<div id="hidden-element" style="display:none"></div>
$('#some-link').click(function() {
content: {
text: '<div>Insert content here</div>',
prerender: true //as of beta3, this option is false by default
// etc, etc
qtip = jQuery('#hidden-element').qtip('api');;
return false;
See for details on the qTip API
EDIT: June 22, 2011 (justgrumpy) - As of beta3 the qtip does not prerender by default. 'prerender' must be set to 'true' in the content option for the qtip to display dynamically.