I've missed the deadline for this assignment but it is still bugging me that I do not understand what I'm doing for this project. Its part 2 of a sudoku solution checker that needs four methods added to it which are
public boolean checkAndPrintReport( ) {*/return true;}
which should check all and print lines for every failed row or column. The others are
public boolean isGoodRow( int yRowParam ) {return true;}
public boolean isGoodColumn( int xColParam ) {return true;}
public boolean isGoodBlock(int xBlockP, int yBlockP) {return true;}
Lastly, my checkAll() method is supposed to have three nested loops calling the above three 9 times each.
I don't understand what is needed for this part since I thought I already coded a solution checker here
public int timesRowHas( int yParam, int number ) {
int nTimesHas = 0;
for( int x = 0; x < 9; x++ )
if( this.getCell(x, yParam) == number )
nTimesHas = nTimesHas + 1;
return( nTimesHas );
public int timesColHas( int xParam, int number ) {
int nTimesHas = 0;
for( int y = 0; y < 9; y++ )
if( this.getCell(xParam, y) == number )
nTimesHas = nTimesHas + 1;
return( nTimesHas );
public int timesBlockHas( int xBlockParam, int yBlockParam, int number ) {
if( xBlockParam < 0 || xBlockParam > 2 || yBlockParam < 0 || yBlockParam > 2 )
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad xBlockParam or bad yBlockParam or both..");
int nTimesHas = 0;
for (int x=0; x<3; x++)
for (int y=0; y<3;y++)
nTimesHas = nTimesHas +getCell(xBlockParam+x, yBlockParam+y);
The functions you wrote are not exactly what you need. Your functions only check how many times a single number is in a row (column or box).
To tell if a row (column or box) is good, you really need to check all numbers (1-9), not just one of them.
However, the good news is you can implement the needed functions using your functions:
public boolean isGoodRow( int yRowParam ){
// for number = 1,..,9, ensure the count is not > 1
for(int i=1; i<=9; i++)
if(timesRowHas(yRowParam, i) > 1)
return false;
return true;
(In case you are interested): This is not the most efficient solution, it runs in O(n2) time. isGoodRow() can be found in O(n) time by histograming the #'s in the row.
Once you have implemented the necessary functions:
public boolean isGoodRow( int yRowParam )
public boolean isGoodColumn( int xColParam )
public boolean isGoodBlock(int xBlockP, int yBlockP)
Then you just need to use those to implement checkAndPrintReport()
public boolean checkAndPrintReport(){
for(int i=0; i<9; i++)
if(!isGoodRow(i) || !isGoodColumn(i) || !isGoodBlock(i/3, i%3)
return false;
return true;