I have this simple code
if ($hdcss = opendir($javascript)) {
while (false !== ($cssentry = readdir($hdcss))) {
echo "$cssentry\n";
This will give out all files... What I want to do since I'll be getting this via Ajax is return an html string of li elements only JavaScript method is a for loop and not sure if this is done in php with opendir since this is my first time using this...
JavaScript Method:
var arry = [];
return arry.join(',');
If any suggestions, I'll take them.
Directory Path:
$javascript = "/cloud/'$username'/javascript/";
$css = "/cloud/'$username'/css/";
Directory Path:
$javascript = "/cloud/'$username'/javascript/";
$css = "/cloud/'$username'/css/";
Directory Paths were in correct... the first forward slash is not needed