I'm creating a web application through ExtJs (Sencha Architect) and now I want to convert it into desktop application too!
I did create a runnable .exe for windows for My application through SDP (Sencha Package Manager) old version but it is trial version so I'm not able to run it any more! And Sencha also discontinues SDP for sale anymore.
I want to convert My web application into desktop runnable application for multiple platforms (i.e. Windows, Mac, Linux etc)
So I'm confuse to change My web application into desktop runnable application?
Please help me, is there any solution for solving this problem.
Any kind of solution could be useful for Me, so please send Me any useful suggestions!
You are searching for node-webkit! It makes your web app like a native one, it runs on mac, windows and linux.
There is also appjs but it is not maintained anymore.