When using AXIS 1.5+, we can see this warning while deploying web application :
[WARN] No transportReceiver for org.apache.axis2.transport.http.AxisServletListener found. An instance for HTTP will be configured automatically. Please update your axis2.xml file!
This may be frustrating because the HTTP transport receiver is properly defined in axis2.xml :
<transportReceiver name="http" class="org.apache.axis2.transport.http.SimpleHTTPServer">
<parameter name="port">8080</parameter>
<!-- [...] -->
Why this warning occurs ?
As the documentation says, if an HTTPS transport sender is defined, then you need to declare the corresponding transport receiver also to define, at least, the HTTPS port number.
cf. https://axis.apache.org/axis2/java/core/docs/servlet-transport.html#Configuring_axis2.xml
Then, the configuration should look like :
<transportReceiver name="http" class="org.apache.axis2.transport.http.AxisServletListener">
<parameter name="port">8080</parameter>
<transportReceiver name="https" class="org.apache.axis2.transport.http.AxisServletListener">
<parameter name="port">8443</parameter>
That's all !