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map varying json data to observable array

I have a viewmodel like

AppViewModel = {
    agent : ko.observableArray([ {
        name : 'test',
        age  : '23'             

My json data comes like


for ajaxcall every 3 sec

I could able to replace the observable array like [from here]

success : function(responseData) {
    var data = ko.toJS(responseData);  

Some times the json data comes like


without age, in this case the incomplete data stays with the observable array

and getting script error as

'age' is undefined in databinding

even after new response arrives like {"agent":[{"name":"john","age":"23"}]}

I want whole obsevable array to replaced with new data.



enter image description here


<!-- ko foreach: agent-->
        <td style="font-weight:bold;" data-bind="text: name"></td>      
        <td style="font-weight:bold;" data-bind="text: age"></td>
<!-- /ko -->


  • If you prefix your property with the $data special binding context property then KO won't complain if the given property does not exists.

    So if you write $data.age then you don't get an error if the server sends an object without the age property:

        <td style="font-weight:bold;" data-bind="text: $"></td>
        <td style="font-weight:bold;" data-bind="text: $data.age"></td>

    Demo JSFiddle.