A long time ago, someone asked the same question. How to remove...
This was the answer:
When you hide() a child its space will be distributed among the other children. It will be reinstated when you show() it again.
I've tried the QSplitter::hide()
functions and also delete
Nothing worked.
void PlainView::addComponent(QWidget *widget)
qDebug() << _splitOne->widget(1);
//delete current widget on index 1
delete _splitOne->widget(1);
//add new widget on index 1
qDebug() << _splitOne->widget(1);
The first widget was deleted and the new widget was added. But I can't see the new widget.
Has anyone an idea?
don't use delete but instead use deleteLater()
and you'll need to remove the old widget first:
void PlainView::addComponent(QWidget *widget)
qDebug() << _splitOne->widget(1);
QWidget *old = _splitOne->widget(1);
// deparenting removes the widget from the gui
//delete current widget on index 1
//add new widget on index 1
qDebug() << _splitOne->widget(1);