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How to get information of Mocha #<Test> type object

I am using mocha on browser.

inside function done i have a object named as test

it('', function(done){

if we check on log we get this.test a 'Test' type object.

Test {title: "", fn: function, async: 1, sync: false, _timeout: 50000…}

if i console this.test.duration or any variable i find undefined.

i want to extract duration information of this 'Test' type object.

How to do that..??


  • I've read mocha's source but I do not see a way to extract from a test case the information you want while a test is running. The duration field is computed once, when the test ends.

    You could still compute how long your tests has been running with:

    it('', function(done){
        var started_at = new Date;
        [... do stuff ...]
        console.log("duration so far:" , (new Date - started_at) + "ms");
        [... do more stuff ...]