I want to know how to display an output like this using loop and incrementation using ASCII codes.
Aa Bb Cc ... Zz
This is my working code below, and it seemss, there is / are many mistakes. It becomes an endless loop.
Please check and help me.
.model small
.stack 200h
main proc
mov ah, 0
mov al, 12h ; Clear screen
int 10h
mov ah,3
mov bh,0 ; get cursor
int 10h
mov ah,2
mov bh,0 ;set cursor
mov dl,12
int 10h
mov cx, 5 ; counter
Mov dl, 65 ; A
mov ah, 2h
int 21h
add dl, 1
Mov dl, 97 ; a
mov ah, 2h
int 21h
add dl,1
loop t2
loop t1
mov ah, 4ch
mov al,00h
int 21h
end main
mov cx, 5 ; counter
Mov dl, 65 ; A
mov ah, 2h
int 21h
add dl, 32 ; 97 - 65 - convert to LC
mov ah, 2h
int 21h
sub dl,31 ;remove the 32 added, but increment
push dx ;save DX on stack
mov dl, 32 ;space character
mov ah, 2h
int 21h
pop DX ;return DX from stack
loop t1
[Amended in the light of Michael's comment - Add dl,1 became sub dl,31
(I've omitted your initialisation and termination which should be fine)
Your issues are:
t1..t2 : load DL
with 'A'
and output it; then increment
t2..loop t2 instruction: load DL
with 'a'
and output it; then increment
- do this 5 (contents of CX
) times. Note you are loading DL
with 'a'
each time
- AND that CX
will be decremented each loop, so the loop terminates when CX
loop t2: Next, loop back to t1 and repeat until CX
So, at the loop t1
, CX
is already 0, and is thus decremented and the program loops back to t1, so A
is output until CX
once again becomes 0, 65534 loops later.