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How to access private field via BeanInfo<I> in java

I know how to access private fields via Class.forName() and Field[]. Now I am trying samething via BeanInfo Interface.

What I did is below.

  1. get Class instance via Class.forName()

  2. BeanInfo info = Introspector.getBeanInfo(Class) - Here, I can see 'org.owls.anno.vo.Target'.

  3. get elements via for syntax.

    for(PropertyDescriptor pd : info.getPropertyDescriptors()){;;; }

  4. I expected list of Field names(msg, open_msg), but it prints ''.

The Target Class is here

package org.owls.anno.vo;

import org.owls.anno.SimpleAnnotation;

@SimpleAnnotation("Add missing attributes")
public class Target {
    private String msg;
    public String open_msg;

    public Target(String msg) {
        this.msg = msg;

    public String toString() {
        return "Target [msg=" + msg + "]";

Thanks for Answer :D


  • Your class is not a bean: there is no accessor (getter and/or setter)...except getClass()!