Assume that there are three groups of thread. lets say A,B, and C.
I want to create a code block in a method that blocking occurs between A and B type threads , C threads are allowed in all cases of the method invocation including the blocking portion.
In other words, if a A type of thread is in a blocked code portion, B is blocked but C is not blocked.
Do you have an idea if it is possible to do it? If so how this could be done?
You could have helper locking methods :
private final ReentrantLock mLock = new ReentrantLock();
void conditionalLock() {
ThreadGroup group = Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup();
if (group.equals(groupA) || group.equals(groupB)) {
Edit changed/simplified condition as nicely suggested by erickson
void conditionalUnlock() {
if (mLock.isHeldByCurrentThread()) {
Then, in the method of the same class :
try {
// block you want to synchronize between threads of group A & B
} finally {