I need some help with Jquery please.
I've got this string of code which triggers my drop-down menu to be displayed/hidden (visibility):
// toggle the menu items' visiblity
.bind('click focus', function(){
Code taken from: http://filamentgroup.com/examples/rwd-nav-patterns/
However, I want to be able to toggle it using Jquery (want the smooth transition).
How can I adapt this code to get the slideToggle to work?
I've tried replacing 'toggleClass' with 'slideToggle', which in a way works, but instead toggles my menu up, thus hiding 'h2'.
JSFiddle link: Please resize the window slightly for @Media Query to kick-in. Red box (top right corner) represents the drop down menu.
All comments/answers are much appreciated and will be voted up.
Thank you.
This may be what you are looking for.
$('.mainMenu').children('li').on('click', function() {
Everything in that code can be done a different(better) way. However, check this updated fiddle. http://jsfiddle.net/defmetalhead/87G6a/2/
.bind('click focus', function () {
BE a bit more specfic as to what you need.