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A couple questions -- in regard to beginning Pharo

Using 2.0 Getting starting, confortable with Smalltalk, so tool questions I have not found readily in image or 'by Example' book (outdated).

Looking for entry field (not ready-to-use dialog box). Like:

(TextMorph new) contents: '(enter name here)'; openInWorld. "but this just opens text, would like to be editable"

Would like to construct [simple] canvas with say four fields e.g. entry, radio, dropdown, etc. examples available?

Anyone know where 'PreferencesBrowser' has been moved to (e.g. keyboard etc.).

Is there a 'Local senders of...' in regard to class browser selected method?


  • In order to construct a UI you could either use Polymorph or Spec.

    For Polymorph examples try in a workspace:

    UITheme exampleDialogs.
    UITheme exampleBasicControls

    For a Spec tutorial have a look at:

    Bahman Movaqar, Spec - Part I: The Basics.

    The Preferences Browser is replaced by the much nicer Settings Browser which can be found in WorldMenu > System > Settings.

    And you can display a method’s senders in Nautilus (the new standard system browser) when you right click on a method name in the method list via the context menu.