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Spec - How to edit the contents of a table in place

I have an SpTablePresenter and I would like to edit the cell contents.
In many frameworks it is possible to edit the contents of a table directly in place, without needing to open a new component (dialog or master-detail style). How can I do this with Spec ?


  • Tables and tree tables in Spec inplement a mechanism to edit string columns in place

    in Spec, string columns can be edited by just declaring the column to be editable sending the beEditable message and adding a callback to process the edition by sending onAcceptEdition:, which receives two parameters, the object being editing and the edited string.

    The following code will show how this can be done:

    app := SpApplication new.
    app useBackend: #Gtk.
    presenter := SpPresenter new.
    presenter application: app.
    presenter layout: (SpBoxLayout newTopToBottom
        add: (tablePresenter := presenter newTable);
        addColumn: (SpStringTableColumn title: 'R/O' evaluated: #key);
        addColumn: ((SpStringTableColumn 
                title: 'Editable' 
                evaluated: #value)
            onAcceptEdition: [ :anAssociation :aString | anAssociation value: aString ];
    tablePresenter items: { 1 -> 'One'. 2 -> 'Two'. 3 -> 'Three' }.
    presenter asWindow 
        title: 'Example editing cells';

    This will produce (with the Gtk3 backend) this output:

    example edit in place