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Knockout, unable to parse Binding error in empty observable array

I have this error

Unable to parse bindings.
Message: TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined;
Bindings value: text:SomeArray().length

I have recreated the error in here.

var somevalue = [{Test:[]}]; // this is not always blank, but i cannot control it.
var ViewModel = function() {

<span data-bind="text:SomeArray().length"></span>
<!-- ko if: SomeArray().length>0 -->
Hello World!
<!-- /ko -->


<!-- ko if: SomeArray() -->
Hello World!
<!-- /ko -->

doesn't creates the error but also doesn't skip the "Hello World" Message when the array is blank. i need to check if the array is blank and display the message only if not blank.

I can't use foreach because i am not looping though the array but just checking if it is blank only.


  • somevalue is an array. So somevalue.Test is not defined but somevalue[0].Test will return [].


    See fiddle