I receive a string that represent a date, I need convert this string to date, and validate that the string is a valid date.
I receive the string 33-12-2013 a the parse method return a date 01-01-2014, the code:
Date fechaVencimientoFormateada;
SimpleDateFormat formateador = new SimpleDateFormat( "dd-MM-yyyy" );
fechaVencimientoFormateada = formateador.parse( "33-12-2013" );
System.out.println( formateador.format(fechaVencimientoFormateada) );
catch ( ParseException e )
the output: Thu Jan 02 00:00:00 COT 2014
and I expected a ParseException, any idea?
And other examples:
String date: 365-12-2013 output: Sun Nov 30 00:00:00 COT 2014
String date: 1-24-2013 output: Mon Dec 01 00:00:00 COT 2014
why ParseException is not throwing?
Make sure you setLenient(false)
on the SimpleDateFormat
. Otherwise it will parse lots of invalid dates without exception and you can't trust the output too much.