I have a json online (6,5m) with nearly 10.000 geographic point. I'm looking for something to check changes. Nearly 60 points are added every day.
I found this : tail -f equivalent for an URL
But I have bash error on my debian when I try to using the command given.
At the end I would like to format them and send them to an irc channel.
I would safe the JSON file locally and diff it.
# filename for current version of JSON file
d=$(date +"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
current=data-$d.json # => data-20131129-123856.json
# download current version of JSON file
wget --quiet -O $current http://www.lhorn.de/~lutz/so/data.json
# determine the previous version of the JSON file (the second to last)
previous=$(find . -name "data-*.json" | sort | tail -2 | head -1)
# diff the previous and the current version of the JSON file
diff -u $previous $current