I would like to render/open PDF file (stored in SDCard) in Android without using in-build application or viewer.
1) We have tried MuPDF open source library but rendering using this library is very slow.
2) Can we use iText library for rendering PDF files in Android (i.e. iText as a PDF Viewer).
Is there any other PDF library(open source) that can be used in Android Or suggest basic guideline for developing PDF viewer for Android.
I've done some research in this field recently, I've tried more than 14 libraries on Android, I've done simple benchmarking on some high resolution print-ready PDF magazines and I'm currently considering to use MuPDF or Radaee in work as they went out as the best.
I've tried VuDroid and apv as well and they are very unstable, they are crashing very often on complex PDF documents and very slow in comparsion to MuPDF or Radaee.
Since MuPDF and Radaee (and some other libraries) are written in pure C and are used on Android through NDK, they are giving the best possible performance (and they both are paid for a commercial use).