A animation move from point a to b, in the movement, the animation need to be play in loop. For example, a bullet move to a point and this bullet is a animation which should be played in loop.
CCTargetedAction::create(sprite, CCMoveTo::create(3.0f, point_a)),
CCTargetedAction::create(sprite, CCRepeatForever::create(CCAnimate::create(animation)))
But CCRepeatForever can not be a member of action sequence. So how to do it? I use sequence because there are others actions be queued (omitted above)
you don't need to use ccspawn for this.. nor ccsequence just run both actions separately on the object.
CCSprite *newSprite=CCSprite::create("imageName");
CCAnimation *animation=CCAnimation::create();
//..some code to add frames to this animation object..
//to repeat for indefinite time you could setLoops to -1 or use CCRepeatForever class //like this..
//now to translate this sprite simultaneously use this.