I want to print a value that is returned by SQL Server.
If NOT Exists(SELECT * FROM ItemList WHERE ItemName='txtItemNama')
INSERT INTO ItemList (ItemName) VALUES('txtItemNamea')
Print 'Duplicate'
This query will either return me either number of rows affected or Duplicate
I want to use this Duplicate in C# in MessageBox.Show()
string query1 = "If NOT Exists(SELECT * FROM ItemList WHERE ItemName='txtItemName') BEGIN INSERT INTO ItemList (ItemName) VALUES('txtItemName') END ELSE BEGIN Print 'Duplicate' END";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query1, conn);
SqlDataReader dr;
I don't know how to use dr
to do this. Please help me out to print Duplicate here
What do I need to do here?
Using ADO.NET there are four options for returning information from an SQL query:
These are all methods called from your command object.
There are lots of different ways to skin a cat, you can use output parameters, you can use ExecuteScalar, you can use return values or you can use dummy recordsets.
You should be able to something like the following in your C# to get the return value from a query
// add a new parameter, with any name we want - its for our own use only
SqlParameter sqlParam = com.Parameters.Add("@ReturnValue", SqlDbType.Int);
// set the direction flag so that it will be filled with the return value
myParm.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;
The code above the captures the return value that you can set as you need, perhaps with a 0 for exists and a 1 for not exists.
If NOT Exists(SELECT * FROM ItemList WHERE ItemName='txtItemNama')
INSERT INTO ItemList (ItemName) VALUES('txtItemNamea')
Return 0;
Return 1;
There is a bit caveat with the above advice however - I usually either use an ORM like Linq-to-SQL or NHibernate, or I use Stored Procedures. I find inline SQL quite cumbersome. So, while my answer should be sound in general, you will probably need to work through some details to get it working exactly as you need.