I have few issues/doubts to fill values in a HashMap
I want a HashMap to accept "Student" as key and "Details" as value. Since key to a hashMap should be immutable I have some doubts how can this be dealt if
Student class has reference to which in turn have reference to "Lab"
public class Student {
private String id;
private String name;
private Department dept;
public Student(String id, String name, Department dept)
public Department getDepartment()
return this.dept;
public class Department {
private String deptId;
private Lab lab;
public Department(String deptId, Lab lab)
public void setLab(Lab lab)
public class Lab {
private String labId;
private String labName;
public Lab(String labId, String labName)
public class StudentDetails
private String fatherName;
private String address
public StudentDetails(String fatherName, String address)
public class StudentMaintainer {
public static void main(String[] args)
StudentDetails stDetails= new StudentDetails("John","Mumbai");
Lab lab= new Lab("100","CS");
Department dept= new Department("900", lab);
Student st = new Student("3000",dept);
Map<Student,StudentDetails> studentMaintainer= new ArrayList<>();
Now Even if Student is cloneable, I can get reference of Department and call setLab() which changes the StudentObject. (Am I wrong?)
Now if Department and Lab are from 3rd party jars, how can I use Student Object in my Map if Student hashCode is (primeNumber+Student.id+Department.id+Lab.id).hashcode() [just some weird case];
Now Even if Student is cloneable, I can get reference of Department and call setLab() which changes the StudentObject. (Am I wrong?)
You are correct. This can happen, and can cause your Student class to appear to be mutated. For an instance of Student
to be immutable, you must not be able to modify any of its fields[0]. That includes calling something like a setter method on one of its fields.
Now if Department and Lab are from 3rd party jars, how can I use Student Object in my Map if Student hashCode is (primeNumber+Student.id+Department.id+Lab.id).hashcode() [just some weird case];
That is a very good question. You obviously can't just change the classes to be immutable, since you don't have control over them, so you may have to get a bit creative. Possible solutions:
). This has the benefits that you can still refer to the third party class in your codebase, but the drawback that calling mutator methods will fail at runtime, rather than at compile time.write adapters in your own codebase, like this:
public final class MyImmutableDepartment {
private final MyImmutableLab lab;
private final String departmentId;
public MyImmutableDepartment(Department thirdPartyMutableDepartment) {
this.departmentId = thirdPartyMutableDepartment.getId();
this.lab = new MyImmutableLab(thirdPartyMutableDepartment.getLab());
// getters and the MyImmutableLab class left as an exercise
This has the advantage that you know at compile time, the classes cannot be mutated.
The downside in both approaches is that you basically have to mirror every class from the third party library, to ensure they're immutable.
I don't think there's any other alternatives.
[0] there are some cases where this is possible, and can be used for internal caching, but it's a decent guideline to stick to when learning.